Ministry of Energy of Ukraine (MinEnergy)
MinEnergy is a body of the executive power, responsible for the state policy in the sectors of electric power, nuclear industry, coal industry, peat mining, oil and gas, as well as the fields of effective use of fuel and energy resources, energy conservation, renewable energy sources and alternative types of fuel (except for energy efficiency measure in the buildings sector).
Detailed information
MinEnergy and a key driver of development of mechanisms of incentivizing the modernization of the energy and utility infrastructure sectors; implementation of modern energy-efficient technologies; development of renewable energy sources and phasing out of coal.
Work is tightly connected with climate issues. Energy Strategy of Ukraine until 2050 was developed but remains unpublic, under available information ambitions climate related targets are included there.
Priority topics:
- Decentralized RES
- Wind energy
- Decentralized Energy Generation
- Energy Storage
- Energy Security
- Interconnectivity to ENTSO-E
- Energy Partnerships
- Biomethane Registry
- E-consumer tool
- Emergency energy support
- Nuclear energy
- H2