Strengthening civil society in the implementation of national climate policies in Georgia, Colombia and Ukraine

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The participation of stakeholders from civil society in defining more ambitious NDCs is necessary to improve strategies and to implement them in a transparent and participatory way. However, these stakeholders usually lack the resources to influence the implementation and improvement of NDCs. The project strengthens the stakeholders’ capacity to articulate and introduce their climate policy demands in the NDC implementation process. In the partner countries, the project supports selected organisations and groups to participate in climate mitigation plans, the drafting of climate-relevant laws for NDC implementation, and the discussion on ambitious climate policy. The project also wants to lay the foundations for the regular and systematic engagement of civil society in climate policy issues in the partner countries and to institutionalise the dialogue between decision-makers and other stakeholders.

Ukraine: In February 2022, Ecoaction published a guideline for local civil society organizations on how to initiate effective climate discourse with local decision-makers.

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