Just Transition / Supporting Structural Changes in Ukrainian Coal Region
Support Ukraine in shaping the structural change associated with the coal phase-out in an acceptable and inclusive and ecologically sustainable way including through targeted funding, with the involvement of civil society and in line with the concepts of Just Transition and Green Recovery.
The Just Transition Project is structured in five components/ outputs which are complementary and build on each other, namely:
- Output I: Facilitating political dialogue on structural change in Ukrain
- Output II: Creation of strategic and legal framework conditions for structural changes in the Ukrainian coal regions at the national level
- Output III: Preparation and implementation of pilot projects and strengthening of institutions involved in the implementation of structural changes at the local and regional levels
- Output IV: Support for the establishment and operation of the Structural Change Fund
- Output V: Communication and awareness raising on the process of structural changes in the coal industry
A new sixth output is currently being added in order to reflect the needs in the Ukrainian energy sector - Output VI: Supporting recovery and modernization of the Ukrainian energy infrastructure