Green Transition Office
The Green Economy Transition Office is an independent advisory body that provides support and advice to the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and other stakeholders on the implementation of green transition reforms.
The goal is to make the green transition in Ukraine a driver for recovery, modernisation, and economic growth and at the same time to do this without obstructing Ukrainian industries’ competitiveness. One of the Office’s long-term priorities will be to support Ukraine’s accession to the EU.
The Office aims to support the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine in key aspects of the green transition, namely under the following areas of work:
- Analysis of the current conditions, opportunities and threats to Ukraine’s economy in order to develop a state policy in the field of green transition
- Facilitation and coordination of activities aimed at attraction of financing to Ukraine as a part of the green transition process
- Coordination and monitoring of the implementation of the NECP and the Ukraine Plan to ensure cross-cutting reforms
- Strengthening the role of business in the green transition
- Increasing the capacity of key stakeholders.