Energy-Efficient District Lviv

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Donors: BMUV, GIZ


The project is supporting Ukrainian municipalities in creating incentives for the renovation of residential buildings. To this end, a residential area in the district of Sykhiv in Lviv was selected in conjunction with the project partners for the implementation of modernisation measures. The aim is to save as much energy and as many social subsidies as possible, and to improve the comfort of residents.
This project is a positive example of the energetic and economic advantages of renovation to increase energy efficiency and serves as a reference for the national Energy Efficiency Fund.

  • Conducting analysis of the building stock, the socio-demographic structure, an estimation of the investment costs needed and finally the selection of a suitable area in the Sychiv district
  • Technical preparation and monitoring of the renovation projects as well as advising and sup-porting home-owner associations (HoAs) and close cooperation with construction market ser-vice providers
  • Create a hydraulic model of a part of the district heating system and calculate several heat demand scenarios as well as develop and implement of the investment project for district heating system upgrade
  • Development in cooperation with the municipal heat supplier Lvivteploenergo of the adjust-ments in the district heat supply system that are necessary due to the changed heat demand
  • Disseminate the project results at regional and national level in order to encourage other dis-tricts in Lviv and other municipalities to make a comprehensive energy-efficient renovation of their buildings and district heating systems
  • Potential maesure for installation of Heat pump at DH enterprise
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