Capacity Development Project for Utilizing the National Geospatial Data Infrastructure
Ukrainian Government decided to establish the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) to confirm integration of Geospatial Information and database; establish a common ownership platform for the use, preparation and management of spatial information to ensure its validity and effectiveness. However, the responsible body – State Agency for Land Resources of Ukraine (Current SSGCC), had insufficient technologies related to the integration and management of Geospatial Information necessary for the establishment of the NSDI. Based on this, the Ukrainian Government (Especially, SSGCC, SLCC and RIGC) requested the Japanese Government to provide support for the establishment of NSDI. In response to a request from the Ukrainian Government, JICA had discussions with Ukraine about the contents of the Project (the Project for the Creation of a National Geospatial Data Infrastructure in Ukraine) and it was decided that JICA would carry out the Project.