Ukraine’s Climate Dialogue: Policy Developments on the EU Path
Ukrainian Climate Office in cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine (MEPR) will host a side event within URC2024 dedicated to Ukraine’s Climate Dialogue: Policy Developments and German Partnership on the EU Path. The upcoming event aims to share information about MEPR’s efforts on climate policy reforms aimed at achieving climate neutrality, and the contributions of the German Government, NGOs, foundations, and think tanks. It will identify additional needs, explore potential synergies, and provide recommendations for further actions. The event seeks to promote collaboration and cooperation among stakeholders to advance climate-related reforms in Ukraine.
Panel Descriptions
Panel 1: Ukraine’s climate policy on the way to the EU
This panel will present and discuss Ukraine’s current activities and progress in implementing climate policy and preparing for the EU accession negotiation process. It will cover the development of a framework climate law, medium- and long-term strategic documents, and the implementation of European reforms and funding instruments. Key topics will include the reform of the emissions trading system, carbon taxation, and other important climate policies.
Panel 2: German-Ukrainian Cooperation in Climate Policy
This panel will present projects and initiatives within the framework of German-Ukrainian cooperation in climate-related areas and the role of the German Government in this process. It will identify additional needs for Ukraine to implement necessary European climate reforms, including the creation of an optimal climate governance architecture to further strengthen Ukraine’s climate ambitions.
Panel 3: Driving Climate and Biodiversity Reforms: The Role of Civil Society, Foundations, and Think Tanks in Ukraine
This panel will focus on the involvement of civil society, foundations, and think tanks in the effective implementation of ambitious climate policies in Ukraine. It will discuss the challenges in harmonizing legislation with the European Green Deal and provide recommendations for improving the implementation of climate reforms.
The event will take place on 13.06.2024 at 13:30-18:00 (Berlin time).
UCO operates as a part of the “Capacities for Climate Action (C4CA)” Project implemented by GIZ Ukraine and commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) under the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and co-funded by the EU.