IKI ReWarm project “Reform of the District Heating Sector in Ukraine (ReWarm)”
District heating (DH) is an important pillar of basic supply in Ukraine. However, district heating systems are outdated, not energy efficient and cause high CO2 emissions. Municipal district heating companies are mostly in debt and cannot invest in the modernisation of their district heating systems. The project supports the development of a national renewable energy strategy and the adaptation of the legal framework, as well as the pilot implementation of adapted business models for municipal renewable energy companies, including cost-covering, socially compensated district heating tariffs. The project develops vlimate-friendly municipal energy plans with selected municipalities. They are advised on how to implement planned measures to increase energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions from their DH-systems. The experience gained will be made available to all municipal DH-companies. The project thus provides important impulses for the reform of the Ukrainian DH-sector.
- Higher economic returns, improved energy efficiency and lower GHG emissions through a re-form of the DH sector.
- Developing a national district heating strategy and adjusting the national framework conditions to support DH companies in economically sustainable and energy efficient operation
- Sustainable business planning of district heating companies
- Technical optimization and planning of DH system overhaul
- Municipal Energy Planning